Simple Homemade Carpet Cleaning Recipes

Have you ever tried any homemade carpet cleaning recipes? They are effective and you don’t have to worry about how the texture of the fibers will turn out because these methods are 100% safe.

You bought an expensive carpet and then spent hundreds of dollars and months replacing pretty much every piece of furniture and wall hangings that you had in the house just to match up to its beauty. Over the years you have had to opt for the most expensive and sought after carpet cleaning service DC and honestly it has panned out well for the most part. But now you’ve begun to wonder whether it was the right decision or not in the first place. While there are plenty of reputed and trustworthy carpet cleaning companies in DC you can always benefit from a little DIY.

The Instant Cleanup Dishwash Detergent Recipe

You can find a homemade carpet cleaning recipe in your regular hand dishwash detergent easily.  What you have to do is mix 6 parts of the detergent with 6 parts of water and stir it well. You can keep this mixture in a spray bottle or in any kind of can or container that makes it easy for you to pour it on the stained area of the carpet. Ideal for spot cleaning this can be used in small quantities to remove mud, gravy stains, pasta sauce stains, chocolate stains and even paints. This is only when the stain is not old or has not completely dried up.

Smell The Vinegar?
Yes, if you have white, off white, or beige or any light colored carpets in your home, vinegar is for you. But leading carpet cleaning DC suggest that vinegar because of its acidic properties should be used in little quantities or only when diluted. It is an effective way to remove all odors and stains from your carpets once they have dried up. But remember, vinegar should only be used with extreme caution. Make it a point to dilute it before you pour it on your carpet as it may cause discoloration.

Lotus Green Carpet & Rug Care
910 17th St NW, Washington, DC 20006

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